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Cloud Storage Configuration Guide


Cloud storage enables users to back up, store and manage their data online, rather than on a local server connected to the network. Files are hosted in data centers, offering remote accessibility and redundancy. Cloud storage offers a number of advantages, but the main one is that it separates the data from the infrastructure on which the S-Filer Portal server resides.


Cloud storage involves two parts:

  1. The client: The service that deposits files on the cloud storage provider. In our case, this is S-Filer Portal.
  2. Storage provider: The service that stores the files and makes them remotely accessible.


To configure cloud storage, certain steps must first be carried out at the storage provider, then S-Filer Portal is configured using the provider's information.

Configuration requirements differ from one provider to another. Follow the steps described for each provider carefully. S-Filer Portal's cloud storage solution is compatible with the following cloud storage providers:

Next, configure S-Filer Portal: