
OKIOK Announces the Availability of RAC/M Identity 3.13.0

RAC/M Identity™ is our simple and effective identity governance (IAM) solution that enables businesses large and small to understand and manage the complex relationships between users and their access to physical and digital resources, on-premise or in cloud computing.


1. Provisioning Request Panel

This panel provides a complete view of the tasks and provisioning associated with a request. It can be accessed in Admin mode from the new Provisioning -> Request menu as well as in Self-Service from the Requests panel.


2. Provisioning Panels

The different types of provisioning objects (Identity, Role, Account, Group and Written Request) now have their detail screen accessible from the new Provisioning menu.

3. Improved identity transfer functionality

It is now possible to change some fields of an identity when requesting a transfer. The fields that can be changed are Organization, Supervisor, Employment, and Location of Employment. Changes will need to go through the approval process in order to be applied on the transfer date.




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