
OKIOK Announces the Availability of RAC/M Identity 3.14.0

RAC/M Identity™ is our simple and effective identity governance (IAM) solution that enables businesses large and small to understand and manage the complex relationships between users and their access to physical and digital resources, on-premise or in cloud computing.


New email templates.

Brand new versions of the email templates are now provided with the solution.

Here are some examples of these email templates:

1. Example of an access review campaign notification email

2. Example of a task email for an access request

3. Example of a provisionning email for the arrival of a new employee

When updating the solution, the new email templates will be dropped into the following directory: [Installation Directory]\Okiok Data\RACM Identity\conf\templates\notifications_update. This allows you to validate differences and integrate new elements of distributed templates into custom templates.


New email variables

Other Improvements


  • Modules
    • ModuleCopyColumnsAndInsertSQL: A validation has been added to ensure that elements in an import table that are pending provisioning are not copied. #2401
    • ModuleExternalSCPGet: Update of the SCP and SFTP transfer library to use more recent encryption algorithms. #2779
    • ModuleHRTerminationDate: An identity can now be terminated even if another identity associated with the same person becomes active soon. #2197
    • ModuleExplodeAccountMngRole: This module has been corrected to now take into account the elements of the ACCOUNT_MNG_ROLE table in the order of creation. #2512
    • ModuleSendEmailFolder: This module has been modified to allow the configuration of the email subject. #2608
    • ModuleDeleteNonUpdatedSinceDate : This module no longer deletes unimported groups when the module is configured to delete accounts. #2811

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