In News, RAC/M Identity

RAC/M Identity™ is our simple and effective identity governance (IAM) solution that enables businesses large and small to understand and manage the complex relationships between users and their access to physical and digital resources, on-premise or in cloud computing.


Reorganization of information for accounts and groups during review campaigns.

  • Asset groupings and assets are now displayed with only their names in the account block. Mousing over one of these elements open a tooltip with the description of the element.
  • Display the account last login date at the far right of the account block with a tooltop showing the exact timestamp.
  • Display account description in the middle of the account block.
  • All dates displayed in group lines are shown in relative time with a tooltop showing the exact timestamp.

Other improvements

  • Added a parameter in the modules ModuleLocalCopyFiles and ModuleLocalMoveFiles allowing to overwrite a directory or a file if it is already present.
  • Added pagination at the group display level in the modal detail window of a role in a review campaign.
  • Performance improvement in ModuleDeleteNonUpdatedSinceDate module
  • Performance improvement during changes in the group hierarchy


  • When removing a role from an identity, the other roles of the identity are now properly considered to determine the accesses to be removed.
  • In an account trustee campaign, the “Unreviewed” and ” Reviewed” counters now display the correct number
  • In the modal detail window of a role in a review campaign, the matrix is now displayed correctly even if the name of one of the groups is very long.
  • Visual correction in a review campaign when the campaign name is very long
  • Fixed preventing a trustee account campaign from starting when the campaign manager is also trustee of a reviewed account
  • In a review campaign, the option to transfer an identity to another reviewer is now correctly visible
  • Correction of a label in the review campaign creation page

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